May has arrived with some lovely high temperatures in the garden which is really helping many plants to catch up after the very cold start to spring.
South East England is predicted to enjoy 21c on Bank Holiday Monday which is wonderful news but night frosts can still be a problem well into May – take care with seedlings in particular. Here is the link to a brilliant app that warns of impending frosts:
Cold Snap Frost Warning Android App
ColdSnap! Frost Alarm is a must have application for gardeners, allotment holders and anyone else that wants a low maintenance, low temperature warning.
For accurate weather forecast try these sites – looks like they all think May is going to be warm which is great news – especially as Chelsea Flower Show starts in just 2 weeks!
Met Check
This site has a brilliant gardening page which gives predictions in 3 hour sections and has soil temperature.
The Met Office
As you would expect from the Met Office, loads of information and help.
The Weather Channel
Local and national forecasts. – UK weather forecasts
Weather forecasts for the UK, local and national, long and short range. Other features on the site include the UK 5 minute weather radar and lightning detection.
Sun, May 5, 2013
Climate Change, UK Climate Change, Met Office