If you want to make your house more attractive to buyers in the current market then try this idea: INSTALL A RAIN-WATER HARVESTING SYSTEM According to a UK survey, sponsored by Save the Rain a significant proportion of homeowners (1 in 3) would be more likely to buy a house if a rainwater harvesting system […]
Continue reading...Thursday, August 4, 2011
The rain has arrvied in buckets loads today with most parts of the UK receiving heavy downpours consistent with the humid sunny weather of the past few days. Summer gardening in the UK is increasingly becoming a battleground.Long periods of drought makes the ground very hard which means that when the rain does finally arrive, this precious “gold” liquid often runs off […]
Continue reading...Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The rain finally arrived in the SE of England last night after almost a month of drought. As I sit writing this blog there is a sheet of very heavy rain refreshing all my plants and no doubt bringing sighs of relief from gardeners everywhere. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/topics/weather/7884027/Heatwave-at-an-end-as-rain-arrives.html Heavy rain is great for filling water butts – […]
Continue reading...Monday, April 27, 2009
Yesterday, I visited a glorious garden near Lewes in East Sussex where the blossom on the trees looked simply stunning in the sunshine – it was truly magical as you can see from my photo above.This was the culmination of 10 days of truly spectacular weather with temperatures reaching 19c and literally no rain. Today, […]
Continue reading...Sunday, March 15, 2009
Thought I would continue with the issue of water conservation as I feel passionately about this subject. The Government has introduced more incentives for businesses to install Rainwater Harvesting systems . The message seems to be working as there are an increasing number of new buildings and rennovations using Rainwater Harvesting as an effective and […]
Continue reading...Wednesday, June 18, 2008
With the UK at increasing risk of monsoon rainfall due to climate change, the Met Office is channelling a large proportion of its£10 million research programme in 2008 into finding ways of predicting extreme rainfall – this time last year the UK received the largest combined rainfall since records began in 1766. A new computer […]
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Sunday, August 5, 2012
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