Rain Gardens

Sun, Jul 8, 2012

Water, rainwater harvesting

A rain garden takes the rain from your roof and puts it to good use. Even a small terraced house gets 4000 gallons on each side of the roof.

Rain gardens are nothing new, In the Mediterranean, sun-kissed gardeners have been building sinks to store rain water for hundreds of years. More recently, rain water has been harvested in Australia and the USA as water becomes more valuable and populations increase.

Having a rain garden is an ideal and simple way to harvest rainwater and makes a very attractive feature for all gardens.

For gardeners soft rain water is ideal for your garden plants, particularly rhodedendrons, camellias, azaleas and orchids. With recent news of droughts many gardeners will be looking for ways of being resourceful with rain water and installing a water butt is a great way to start being resourceful. Once the water butt is full however, the water reverts to the sewers. A rain garden takes the overflow from the water butt to fill or top-up a pond and even a soakaway unit in which you can grow vegetables or marsh plants. (A Soakaway is a method of water disposal (usually surface water) that disperses water from drains leading to it, provided surrounding soil conditions are suitable).

In urban areas most rain water goes straight into the sewers which means that during heavy storms the sewers overflow into our rivers. So part of the rain garden is a soakaway unit which allows rain water to drain away naturally..

Rain from your roof can be diverted from the down pipe into a water butt, which overflows into an above ground pond which is great for water lilies. The water then flows along a bamboo channel to a raised planter/soakaway unit which is great for growing veg.

The rain garden concept is extremely environmentally-friendly and, at a time of water metering by many water companies, economically-friendly on the wallet too!

By harvesting rain water and holding it in butts and ponds, gardeners can create their own wetland centre as well as providing a plentiful supply of soft water for general watering duties.

Rain gardens are a definite trend of the future with the concrete jungle that we now find ourselves living in and flood plains commonly being built on rain gardens are a fantastic way to preserve water allowing you to easily maintain flowers and crops regardless of the season. With an additional factor being that is a beautiful addition to any garden, creates habitat for birds and beneficial insects, reduces pest and harmful insects as well as contribution to pollution, and can be used seasonally to teach children about nature.

Learn more or build your own Rain Garden Kits at: http://www.raingardenkits.co.uk/


This post was written by:

- who has written 872 posts on My Climate Change Garden.

I am not an experienced gardener - more of an enthusiastic amateur who learns by trial and error and who is keen to "manage" the effects of shifting weather patterns on my garden. Writing this blog is my passion and it has evolved over 12 years to inspire engagement with climate change outside our back doors, in our personal gardens and green spaces. My mission is to fertilise and expand this platform to grow a community of global gardeners communicating about the effects of climate change on our plants and exploring how each individual can make small changes in our lives to become more sustainable. The future of our gardens and #OurPlanet is in our hands - please plant your own seeds for our collective sustainable future.

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1 Comments For This Post

  1. Tina Says:

    Hmm this is a great way of conserving water. I was looking at this mini waterfall from my roof drainpipe yesterday, falling onto my patio. Such a waste of water 🙁