Latin name: Roscoea purpurea
Description: These are relatively small members of the ginger family and deserve to be more widely grown as they are exceedingly attractive when in flower as well as leaf. They are tuberous rooted perennials, thriving in cool shady conditions. Roscoea Purpurea is a popular species with lance-shaped, deep green leaves up to 25cm long. Purple-lavender to lilac flowers are produced in succession from the upper leaf axils from early to mid-summer. Several cultivars are available with names like ‘Browen Peacock’, Nico’ and ‘Polaris’
Hardiness: Hardy to -5C and lower if well mulched
Height: 25-40cm
Position: Dappled shade
Soil: damp, humus rich, well drained soils
Water: Moist position required, otherwise grow as a container plant where moisture can be more easily maintained in hot weather
Usage: Excellent for planting next to the side of a pathway in a shady corner of the garden
Thu, Apr 10, 2008