Lawn care tips

Mon, Apr 27, 2009

Lawn Care

The traditional lawn that is synonymous with lazy summer days in England is under attack.

The main problem for lawns is that, due to our changing weather patterns, there is no longer the same predictable cycle that has helped lawns in the UK to establish over many centuries. In a recent survey by WRAP, 44% of gardeners reported that they mow their lawns a month earlier in Spring and 36% said they believed that their lawns grow all year.



* Look at more drought resistant grasses – bluegrass, ryegrass and fescues

*Learn to accept that your lawn may turn brown when it is dry – it will grow again as soon as it rains.

*Aerate your lawn to stimulate root growth by spiking with a fork

* Over-mowing is the worst thing for dry lawns

* Raise the mowing height to at least 2 inches to keep the crown and roots cooler

* Very long lawns – grown to a height of 3 -4 inches will help keep down moss problems and crowd out some weeds.

* Establish good roots in your lawn before summer



* Water early in the morning or late evening to avoid evaporation.Allow water to soak into  ground for maximum benefit

*Only water if absolutely necessary and from a renewable source (harvested rain water ideally)

*Under watered lawns do not need any fertiliser

*Water infrequently with thorough waterings to keep roots deep

* Never water in sunlight

This post was written by:

- who has written 872 posts on My Climate Change Garden.

I am not an experienced gardener - more of an enthusiastic amateur who learns by trial and error and who is keen to "manage" the effects of shifting weather patterns on my garden. Writing this blog is my passion and it has evolved over 12 years to inspire engagement with climate change outside our back doors, in our personal gardens and green spaces. My mission is to fertilise and expand this platform to grow a community of global gardeners communicating about the effects of climate change on our plants and exploring how each individual can make small changes in our lives to become more sustainable. The future of our gardens and #OurPlanet is in our hands - please plant your own seeds for our collective sustainable future.

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