Latin name: Wisteria
Description: A climber that always brings timeless elegance to the garden and a touch of the exotic. They are very vigorous plants once established and look beautiful when draped over pergolas walls or grown as standards. Wisterias need regular pruning for the best flower production. If space allows, this glorious plant can be left to ramble unimpeded, but they usually flower more freely and regularly if pruned to create stumpy spurs. It is on these shoots at the base of the previous year’s growth, that the plumper flower buds will be produced. Wisteria is usually found in different shades of purple to lilac and off white.
Hardiness: Hardy
Height: Tran to required height
Position: Full sun to light shade
Soil: Any soil
Water: Fairly drought resistant once established
Usage: For training over pergolas, walls and fences as well as free standing standards.
Thu, Apr 10, 2008