Latin name: Leycesteria formosa
Description: It is seldom found in contemporary British gardens, though attempts have been made in recent years to popularize the species in Britain with new cultivated varieties appearing in most garden centers. It was much grown by the Victorians. It has soft, hollow, upright green stems which only last for a few years before collapsing and being replaced by new stems from the ground. The leaves are dark green, 6-18 cm with wavy margin. The flowers are produced on 5-10 cm long pendulous racemes; each flower is small, white, and surrounded by a purple bracts looking very exotic.
Hardiness: Hardy
Height: 1-2m
Position: Full sun to partial shade
Soil: Fertile, well drained soil
Water: Fairly drought tolerant once established – mulch well in dry periods
Usage: In a hidden corner of the garden, where you can come across it and enjoy the unusual pendant flowers
Thu, Apr 10, 2008