Latin name: Euphorbia grifithii
Description: A vigorous herbaceous perennial with erect stems that are reddish green when young turning yellow in the autumn. The leaves are linier with prominent red midribs from 9-15cm long. It is a marvellous species with dark foliage, with a strong coppery tint and dusky orange heads in summer. ‘Dixter’ is a form selected by the late Christopher Lloyd at his garden at Great Dixter. This form has vivid orange-red bracts. ‘Fireglow’ is a stunning form with fiery vivid orange-red bracts in summer.
Hardiness: Hardy to -10C
Height: 70-90cm
Position: Full sun to light shade
Soil: moist, well drained, humus rich soil
Water: Will take drought for short periods once established, especially if well mulched
Usage: This plant spreads to form handsome drifts of glowing red- a marvellous sight when in full bloom
Fri, Mar 30, 2012
Climate Change