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2012 wettest year on record?

28. December 2012

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A storm brewing in the Atlantic could bring up to two inches (50mm) of rain and 80mph winds in some areas of the UK this weekend. Provisional figures show that 1.8in (46mm) of rain is needed between 27 and 31 December for 2012 to be the wettest year on record for the UK. A new […]

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Rain and more rain

25. September 2012

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Torrential rain and  high winds continue to hit the UK . My garden is full of broken branches and soggy ground – amazing how quickly it has passed from late summer glory to total devastation.How is your garden looking this morning? Definitely time to fit a water butt .Check out these websites for advice […]

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Buy water butts

5. July 2012


Buy water butts

Capture some of the heavy rain falling in the UK at the moment  by installing a water butt. You can buy water butts everywhere now – on line, in garden centres, supermarkets and even garages . There are many different types, shapes and sizes – try to buy water butts using re-cycled materials  if possible. […]

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Weather, climate and jet streams

29. April 2012

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Weather, climate and jet streams

What is going on with UK weather at the moment.The position of the jet stream is apparently responsibile for our very wet weather. Are these movements of  the jet stream and the resulting extreme weather one of the results of climate change? The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. […]

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