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How to garden in a changing climate

23. May 2023


How to garden in a changing climate

Gardeners must adapt their gardens and green spaces as the weather continues to change as predicted by the Met Office. . Here are some simple tips you can follow to help your garden thrive in a changing climate: Choose wind and drought tolerant plants such as geranium, lavender, thymes, sages, sedums, budlia, cystus, rosemary,agapanthas, grasses. […]

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Hottest UK Day ever – July 25th 2019

31. July 2019

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Hottest UK Day ever – July 25th 2019

The UK’s highest ever temperature has been officially recorded in Cambridge, the Met Office has confirmed. Cambridge University Botanic Garden measured 38.7c (101.7F) on Thursday 25th July 2019. This beat the previous record of 38.5c (101.3F) set in Kent in 2003. The Met Office have also reported that UK’s 10 hottest years on record have […]

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Extreme UK weather greets 2014

5. January 2014

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Only 5 days into 2014 and the weather again delivers some extreme events. No matter how much we think that we can control our environment it is and always will be at the mercy of Mother Nature.Increasingly so as climate change makes periods of  extreme and weird weather occur more frequently. The Met Office reports […]

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October warmth good for flowers and trees

3. November 2013

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No sign of Mr Frost as yet here in Southern UK .Early statistics for October up to the 28th of the month suggest this October is likely to be one of the warmest in records dating back to 1910. Many  flowers have continued to bloom and my garden is  full of some beautiful flowers enjoying the […]

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UK Weather confuses gardeners

5. October 2013

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Gardening and weather are rather like a sandwich. The ingredients can often compliment each other but increasingly the weather is proving to leave a slightly bad taste for some gardeners. Following one of the coldest winters in 2012/13 when spring did not really arrive until at least end May, the UK has basked in a […]

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Warmest and driest UK summer since 2006

2. September 2013

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Provisional Met Office statistics for this summer (June, July and August) show that this year has seen the warmest, driest and sunniest summer since 2006. In terms of rainfall, the estimate suggests about 189 mm of rain – which is 78 % of the UK average, making this the driest summer since 2006 and ranking […]

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British Monsoon season

13. June 2013

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After just a week of dry and sunny weather, the UK has slipped into another cycle of windy, wet and unpredictable weather for the summer. With Mid Summers Day just a few days away gardeners are becoming increasingly concerned that  long balmy days of sunshine and light are just not going to happen in 2013 […]

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Weather to garden

5. May 2013

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May has arrived with some lovely high temperatures in the garden which is really helping many plants to catch up after the very cold start to spring. South East England is predicted to enjoy 21c on Bank Holiday Monday which is wonderful news but night frosts can still be a problem well into May  – […]

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Met Office and IPCC report warns UK at risk

19. February 2013

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IPCC confirms that the risks to the UK from global warming remain substantial The UKs reputation as a green and pleasant land may be challenged as climate changes continue to affect the weather patterns that dominate the country in the future.

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Climate change adds garden challenges

4. February 2013

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Gardening in the UK has always been challenging due to variable weather, but further changes in our climate are not making thing easier according to the Met Office’s Chief Scientist.

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