The issue of maintaining America’s 25 million acres of lawn that use a staggering 3 million tons of fertilisers continues. Just found this newly launched web-site from the wonderful ladies who set up Garden Rant, a popular gardening blog in the USA who, like me are utterly convinced that GARDENING MATTERS! Check out : […]
Continue reading...9. September 2009
Comments Off on Bananarama!
Here are the latest photos of the bananas growing outside near to the Co-Op in the Meads,Eastbourne: As you can see there are now two sweet little bunches of bananas – hope all this lovely hot sunshine will ripen them to yellow Such a bizarre site and certainly the talk of Meads Village.
Continue reading...8. September 2009
Comments Off on Climate change challenge for French wine
French wine production is feeling the heat acording to a new report just issued by Greenpeace. A climatically-sensitive process, French viniculture is being seriously chellenged by the impacts of global warming – summer heat waves, recent hail storms in the Bordelais and the emergence of new diseases.
Continue reading...8. September 2009
With warm temperatures and beautiful blue skies this week, Eastbourne seafront looks more like a Mediterranean resort . The palms and exotic planting seem to thrive on the coast. Maybe the traditional english deckchairs and the Union Jack in this photo do give the scene that ultimate english feel? Thought I would share some more […]
Continue reading...7. September 2009
Comments Off on Gardening in a changing climate at RHS Wisley
Yesterday I took part in the climate change walk around the RHS Wisley gardens in Surrey which is part of the British Science Festival taking place this week. Climate Change Gardening is a subject close to my heart so I was disappointed to see that I was the only person on the walk ! The […]
Continue reading...31. August 2009
Comments Off on Urban beekeepers
Regent Street in London is going to produce its own honey thanks to a hive containing more than 15,000 bees high above the shopping mass.The Crown Estate which owns Regent Street has already installed its first colony and is planning dozens more if the experiment is a success. A special honey garden has been created […]
Continue reading...24. August 2009
Comments Off on Climate Change help from RHS
The Royal Horticultural Society as the UK’s leading gardening charity has embraced the issues facing gardeners as a result of climate change. It provides excellent climate change information pages on its web-site with advice about the issues our gardens are facing – both now and in the long term future. On 6th September RHS […]
Continue reading...23. August 2009
Comments Off on Banana Update from the South Coast
The very warm weather this week is brilliant news for the fruit on the banana plant growing in Eastbourne that I talked about recently.Finger-like bananas have emerged which look really healthy so I am hoping they will ripen soon. Its an amazing site that I see every time I walk to the the Meads.I can’t […]
Continue reading...23. August 2009
The sun continues to shine and temperatures are still high creating some wonderful sights in people’s gardens. Checking out what the neighbours are growing is of my favourite things – its a great place to find out what is doing well in your local area and for planting inspiration.Maybe this is just an English thing […]
Continue reading...12. August 2009
I was walking along a local street tonight when I cames across across this amazing site: A banana plant bearing some impressive looking large bracts ( leaf-like structure) that are shed as the fruit develops According to the RHS, bananas rarely produce fruit outdoors in the UK as they need constant warm and humid […]
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19. September 2009
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