From maple syrup production to fruit in our grocery aisles, climate change is starting to have more significant impacts on plant species around the U.S. Here’s a look at a number of plant species that are already showing signs of climate-induced changes.
Continue reading...30. December 2011
Xmas has been and gone . New Year is just 48 hrs away . However, winter seems nowhere to be seen in the UK at the moment. At a time when we would usually expect to see bare branches and icy mornings, some flowers have burst into life two or more months ahead of schedule. Ed […]
Continue reading...24. December 2011
Comments Off on Xmas last minute gift for gardeners gift certificates are the perfect gift for any gardener with a vegetable patch. Each gift certificate gives a one or two year subscription to our online Garden Planner – the interactive way to plan a vegetable garden, giving access to: Garden Plans: Quickly produce garden plans and change the layout Growing information: Just click […]
Continue reading...23. December 2011
Comments Off on UK Xmas green not white
Looks as though the UK will not experience any snow this Xmas .Check this weather and snow forecast for your region.;type=xmas;sess Just enjoying some chill time in my Garden House planning new developments for Climate Change Gardening in 2012. Also reflecting on the bizarre weather the world has experienced during 2011. Watch this amazing Channel 4 documentary […]
Continue reading...1. December 2011
Comments Off on Sir David warning on climate change
Sir David Attenborough says that people have a ‘huge moral responsibility towards the rest of the planet’ . As a world renowned scientist and the greatest living documentary film maker, we must listen to the warnings by this great man and think about how we can respond to the urgent need for everyone of us to care more about the state of our […]
Continue reading...30. November 2011
Comments Off on Allotment adventures
If you have just taken on an allotment you will love this new blog series in the Guardian.It guides new plot holders through the process of taking on a new plot, points out the potential pitfalls, and looks forward to the growing year ahead.
Continue reading...29. November 2011
Comments Off on High Impact Low Carbon gardening
Another great Xmas present idea for gardeners, High-Impact, Low-Carbon Gardening goes beyond organics and compost and gives serious gardeners all the information they need to make their garden truly green
Continue reading...26. November 2011
Comments Off on UK faces water rationing in 2012
Firms providing water to around half the population said that some of the driest weather on record over the last year has left stocks seriously depleted.With temperatures still unseasonably mild, families are being urged to save water over the coming months as Britain faces the first winter drought in nearly a decade. Thames Water and […]
Continue reading...24. November 2011
Comments Off on Xmas buzz for your garden
Looking for the perfect green Xmas present? The Bumblebee Lodge is great for pollination in your garden . The ultimate wildlife feature, providing a fascinating permanent place of residence for your very own Bumblebee colony every summer. If you need reminding of the beauty of pollination watch this divine video:
Continue reading...24. November 2011
Comments Off on Most unusual year for UK weather
This year has seen one of the warmest autumns on record, particularly in the south and east of England.The mild weather has led to many crops such as raspberries and strawberries ripening out of season. Let me know if you have had similar experiences to this farmer who is still picking his raspberries .To date there […]
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30. December 2011
Comments Off on Plants and climate change in the USA