Gravel gardening in the UK is proving very popular in 2012, being ideal for periods of drought and requiring little maintenance. For more ideas on gravel gardening visit the doyenne of this style of gardening – Beth Chatto .
Continue reading...4. April 2012
Mediterranean gardening to beat drought Beating the drought this summer is easy if you choose the right plants that cope well with lack of water and do not require maintenance – unlike the traditional bedding plants […]
Continue reading...3. April 2012
Comments Off on Charlie Dimmock launches drought campaign
Great to hear that Charlie Dimmock is urging gardeners to stay calm and just adapt the way they plant and manage their gardens with this years drought and hose pipe ban looming. Ignore the media hype about panic in garden centres. Drought is part of the natural cycle as climate change increases and gardeners […]
Continue reading...2. April 2012
Comments Off on Drought gardening in 2012
If you want ideas for creating a drought garden to deal with the ongoing UK hose pipe ban then watch my interview with gardening guru Will Giles in his fabulous Mediterramean garden in Norwich.
Continue reading...31. March 2012
Comments Off on Rain needed for gardens
With the current drought seriously affecting UK gardens any drop of rain is like liquid gold. Rainwater harvesting in the UK has increased by approximately 300% in the last two years Rainharvesting can replace up to 50% of a household mains water consumption, and up to 85% on commercial installations Collecting […]
Continue reading...30. March 2012
Comments Off on Drought Plant for March: Flaming Euphorbia
Latin name: Euphorbia grifithii Description: A vigorous herbaceous perennial with erect stems that are reddish green when young turning yellow in the autumn. The leaves are linier with prominent red midribs from 9-15cm long. It is a marvellous species with dark foliage, with a strong coppery tint and dusky orange heads in summer. ‘Dixter’ is […]
Continue reading...30. March 2012
Comments Off on Watering trees not car washes exempt from hosepipe ban
It is absurd that ‘car washes’ are exempt from the rules on the use of water. If the Government is serious about the need for sustainable planting and action to mitigate climate change the case for watering trees and shrubs and some parks landscapes must surely rank higher than ‘car washes’
Continue reading...29. March 2012
Comments Off on Hosepipe hotlines bring trouble for gardeners
Looks like there will be trouble in the garden next week as water authorities urge neighbours to report anyone breaking the hosepipe ban . A survey commissioned by MSN found that a third of people would report a neighbour for breaking the hosepipe ban. What an unbelievable situation when one of the worlds most civilised countries […]
Continue reading...28. March 2012
Comments Off on Lawns and drought
An RHS curator says that gardeners do not need to water their lawns during a drought. Watering your lawn can negatively impact the environment if it is poorly managed, according to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS). Colin Crosbie, curator of RHS Garden Wisley, argued on Radio Four’s Today Programme a year ago during the last […]
Continue reading...26. March 2012
It appears that sales of water butts have rocketed in order to beat the hosepipe ban. Great news that people are thinking about collecting rain.! Good also to think about what you plant this summer and choose drought tolerant plants to keep your garden looking good – with no rain or hose-pipes!
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4. April 2012
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