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Drought Plants : Palm Trees

16. May 2011


Drought Plants : Palm Trees

Palms are perfect for this dry weather as they require hardly any water to survive once established plus they bring something unusual to your garden. Despite their prominence in hotter climates, palm trees are very hardy plants and most will thrive in the British climate providing there are not weeks of snow  and very low […]

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Tropical Plants for summer gardening

27. June 2012


Tropical Plants for summer gardening

After a miserable month of wet and cold weather, the UK is just starting to warm up with temperatures of 22 – 27c expected this week in London. Time to take advantage of all that rain and the muggy temperatures by transfering your garden into a tropical paradise for the next few months. In this […]

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Angels Trumpets

10. April 2008

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Angels Trumpets

Latin name: Brugmansia Description: These fabulous plants are a must for the exotic garden with their ridiculously large flowers. There are many species and countless cultivars worth trying in the garden. Often mistakenly called Datura, there is nothing like Brugmansia for scent. The name Angel’s Trumpet refers to the large, very dramatic, pendulous trumpet-shaped flowers […]

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Arum Lily, Calla Lily

10. April 2008

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Arum Lily, Calla Lily

Latin name: Zantedeschia aethiopica ‘Green Goddess’ Description: Highly attractive lily with large, lush, lustrous green arrow-shaped leaves. The flowers appear at the top of tall stalks from spring into early summer and are in the form of a modified leaf called a spathe, enfolding a fleshy yellow spike. ‘Green Goddess’ is a very desirable cultivar […]

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Bears Britches

10. April 2008

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Bears Britches

Latin name: Acanthus mollis Description: These beauties are grown for their dramatic foliage and handsome upright flower spikes that fit in well with exotic style gardening. Acanthus mollis is a stately, semi-evergreen perennial with long deeply toothed, soft spined, glossy bright green leaves up to 60cm long by 30cm wide. Spikes of funnel-shaped white flowers, […]

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Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower

10. April 2008

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Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower

Latin name: Strelitzia reginae Description: This must be one of the best known plants in the world, so why not try one in your garden! It is an evergreen, clump-forming perennial with long stalked, tough, leathery, blue-green leaves. The large beak-like flowers have three brilliant orange sepals and three vivid purple-blue petals in boat-shaped red-edged […]

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Blue Passion Flower, Common Passion Flower

10. April 2008

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Blue Passion Flower, Common Passion Flower

Latin name: Passiflora cerulia Description: Beautiful and essential, fast growing evergreen to semi-evergreen climber with attractive, palmate, dark green leaves. The delectable flowers are white with a blue or purple banded corona from summer to autumn followed by ochre yellow egg-shaped fruits. ‘Constance Elliot’ is an attractive white-flowered cultivar. Hardiness: Hardy to -10C and probably […]

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Brighten your day with a nursery visit

3. January 2011

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Brighten your day with a nursery visit

At this time of year when all is grey and drab in the UK, many specialist plant nurseries offer excellent sales to tempt you back into the garden. One of my favourite place to buy architectural plants in London has just started its annual sale .Its really wiorth a look at some of the excellent […]

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Canary Island Geranium

10. April 2008

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Canary Island Geranium

Latin name: Geranium palmatum Description: If you like Geranium maderense, but can’t grow it because its frost tender Geranium palmatum is an equally attractive alternative. This seductive short-lived perennial has long stems and finely divided mid-green leaves up to 35cm across. The flowers are saucer-shaped, five-petalled, pinkish purple up to 4cm across on large terminal […]

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Canna Lily

10. April 2008

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Canna Lily

Latin name: Canna Description: Their brilliant flowers and bold ornamental foliage are an essential part of any exotic garden, giving a very tropical feel. They are fast growing especially if well fed, where they can grow from 50cm to a staggering 2.5m depending on species and variety. Most Cannas available are hybrids with flowers up […]

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