I am currently having some very interesting gardening experiences:
1. My kitchen window is still littered with seed packets.Every time I look into the garden it is cold, cloudy and miserable with a distinct lack of sunlight and warmth. Nothing tempts me outdoors to expose my beautiful tiny seedlings to the mixed delights of an English spring.
2. The number of US visitors to my site has just overtaken those from the UK .The increase is from California which enjoys a year round climate of sunshine and where I would certainly rather be at the moment.
Is my sub-conscious desire for sunshine transmitting itself via my blog?
Am I connecting to a warmer energy via my thought process?
Whatever the reason for this sudden American interest, I take any increase in international visitors as a positive sign that it really does not matter where you garden.
The important thing is for INTERNATIONAL GARDENERS to share information and experiences about how unpredictable weather patterns are affecting the seeds we plant and the plants we grow ALL OVER THE WORLD.
One example of sharing global experiences is knowing when the first or last frosts happen in your local area – vitally important for the success of my seeds if I finally decide to venture outdoors today and open some of those beautiful packets from my window sill:
To celebrate connections across the Northern Hemisphere, here are links to localised frost data for the UK & USA:
Sat, Mar 5, 2011
Climate Change, Climate Change Gardening, UK Climate Change, American Climate Change, Seeds