Latin name: Cordyline australis
Description: Striking tree that can get many meters high over the years. Best planted as a single trunked specimen, then after a few years its first flowering will cause it to become multi trunked from the top. If cut to the ground it will become multi-trunked from the ground. The greyish-green, strap-like leaves, up to a meter or more long are produced from the trunk tops with bare stems. The enormous flowering trusses are made up of thousands of small highly scented flowers in May. There are several coloured and variegated hybrids available if you want a splash of colour, although they tend to be less hardy.
Hardiness: Hardy to about -10C for short periods. If cut to the ground by severe frost it will re-shoot from the base the following spring.
Height: 1-5m
Position: Full sun to dappled shade away from desiccating winds
Soil: Any well-drained garden soil with added organic matter
Water: Water well to established then mulch well to keep moisture in
Usage: Becomes a very tall plant over the years, so needs a position where all its glory can be appreciated. The trunk becomes fissured and cork-like which is very attractive.
Thu, Apr 10, 2008