Archive | February, 2010

RHS grow fruit and veg by phone

26. February 2010

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RHS grow fruit and veg by phone

The RHS have just launched a free innovative RHS Grow Your Own iphone app at This is part of an excellent on-line campaign to encourage Grow Your Own in 2010.The aim is to build a UK map showing where people are growing their own produce and to find out what crops are most popular. […]

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Londoners have their say on climate change

25. February 2010

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Londoners are growing their own food, exploring ways to harvest rainwater, thinking about what plants they grow in their garden. I notice this from the number of London hits to my blog . People living in the capital are interested in adapting to  climate change in their homes and gardens. Mayor of London Boris Johnson is keen to tap into […]

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Ready, Steady Grow

21. February 2010


Ready, Steady Grow

The days are definitely getting longer which is such good news. It stayed light till at least 6pm tonight. This is the time of year when I dig out my seed trays and decide if I should plant now or wait till the spring finally arrives and buy small plants instead. Planting and nurturing seeds […]

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Climate Change inspires tropical orchards

20. February 2010

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Kent fruit farmers are re-thinking their future as a result of climate change. They believe that longer, warmer growing seasons will make growing traditional apples and pears less attractive and many are already diversifying into alternative fruits. Mr Jessel, who owns a 300-acre Bockingfold fruit farm in Goudhurst, East Sussex still grows 90 acres of […]

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Turbo Veg

7. February 2010

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Turbo Veg

Scientific boffins are rising to the challenge of Grow Your Own by producing a robust new generation of turbo veg . By grafting veg onto vigorous rootstocks, they have produced top quality, resilient produce that can be bought as young plants for the first time in Spring 2010. Try the turbo-charged beef steak tomato from […]

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