Archive | April, 2008

Hart’s Toung Fern

10. April 2008

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Hart’s Toung Fern

Latin name: Asplenium scolopendrium Description: This robust evergreen fern grows from short creeping rhizomes, producing an irregular shuttle-cock like crown, composed of strap-like leathery, undulating, glossy, bright green fronds up to 60cm long. Although this beauty is native to Europe and North America it has a very exotic feel when planted with other large leaved […]

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Cast Iron Plant

10. April 2008

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Cast Iron Plant

Latin name: Aspidistra elatior Description: Aspidistras are emblematic of the English Victorian period, as plants for the house and very tough ones at that, withstanding dark areas in hallways and rooms, tacking low light levels and neglect in their stride. The good news is – they are in fact hardy and can be released into […]

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Lords and Ladies

10. April 2008

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Lords and Ladies

Latin name: Arum italicum marmoratum Description: Although a very well known garden plant, it never-the-less has very exotic looking foliage. This native British species is grown for its ornamental leaves and striking spathes (flowers) and unusual appearance. The arrow-head shaped leaves can be plain green or variegated, with yellow-green veining, emerging in last winter and […]

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Japanese Anemone

10. April 2008

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Japanese Anemone

Latin name: Anemone x hybrida Description: A. x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ is an immensely popular plant; having pure white flowers that occurred as a chance mutation on A. x hybrida in the garden of M Jobert, in Verdun, France, in 1858. Its flower stems can reach over 1.8m in fertile soil. The large, simple flowers […]

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Bears Britches

10. April 2008

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Bears Britches

Latin name: Acanthus mollis Description: These beauties are grown for their dramatic foliage and handsome upright flower spikes that fit in well with exotic style gardening. Acanthus mollis is a stately, semi-evergreen perennial with long deeply toothed, soft spined, glossy bright green leaves up to 60cm long by 30cm wide. Spikes of funnel-shaped white flowers, […]

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Varigated Spanich Dagger

10. April 2008

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Varigated Spanich Dagger

Latin name: Yucca recurvifolia marginata Y Description: These highly architectural plants hail from the dry arid areas of North America and are grown in gardens for their bold form. They are evergreen, often tree-like shrubs with stout, normally un-branched stem with stiff sawed-like bluish-green leaves up to 60cm long. In autumn, spectacular pendent bell-shaped white […]

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Chain Fern

10. April 2008

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Chain Fern

Latin name: Woodwardia radicans Description: Spectacular evergreen fern with arching, broadly lance-shaped mid-green fronds up to a staggering 2m long, with conspicuous bulbils on the frond tips which root when they touch the ground, hence they chain down mountain sides in the wild over large areas rooting as they go. Like most ferns they require […]

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Japanese Wisteria

10. April 2008

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Japanese Wisteria

Latin name: Wisteria Description: A climber that always brings timeless elegance to the garden and a touch of the exotic. They are very vigorous plants once established and look beautiful when draped over pergolas walls or grown as standards. Wisterias need regular pruning for the best flower production. If space allows, this glorious plant can […]

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Windmill Palm, Fan Palm

10. April 2008

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Windmill Palm, Fan Palm

Latin name: Trachycarpus fortunei Description: Once rare in this country, but know excepted as the hardiest palm that be grown anywhere in the British Isles as it will take lows of at least -15C. This absolutely essential palm, once established, can grow 30cm of trunk a year. The typical fan-shaped leaves can grow up to […]

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Rice-Paper Plant

10. April 2008

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Rice-Paper Plant

Latin name: Tetrapanax papyrifer Description: Ludicrously architectural plant that is literally jaw-dropping! It is a vigorous suckering shrub that is evergreen in mild areas. The huge, dark green, deeply lobed leaves, up to 1 meter across, are formed on long stalks giving a very dramatic appearance. The whole plant looks somewhat like a Fatsia on […]

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